May 3, 2022

Protect yourself and your parents from tax fraud.

Keep an eye out for warning signs and reduce your vulnerability with a few simple tips.

Identity thieves are stealing other people’s personal information and using it to file tax returns. These criminals often file fraudulent tax returns as early as possible in an effort to have the bogus return processed before you can file your own legitimate return. You may therefore be unaware you’ve been victimized until you attempt to file your taxes.

These scammers are stealing money from the government while also hindering your ability to file a genuine tax return, not to mention creating undue stress as you take efforts to rectify the situation. It’s important to be aware of this scheme and take steps to prevent this from happening to you and your loved ones.

May 3, 2022

Protecting your social security payout

To handle payments for a disabled senior, it's not enough to put powers of attorney, medical directives or guardianship arrangements in place.

May 3, 2022

Elevate your LinkedIn prospecting

Use this checklist to take your networking to the next level.
